Dr. Jennifer Johnson, Veterinarian
Please read the following policies prior to submitting the registration form. Submission of the registration form indicates your acceptance of these policies:
1. A copy of your pet's previous medical history is required prior to the first a visit. You can email the records directly, or have your veterinarian forward a copy to TheVillageVetMA@gmail.com.
2. An up-to-date rabies vaccination is required for all pets over 6 months of age to be examined. If your pet does not have proof of a valid rabies vaccination (a signed rabies certificate or signed medical records) then one will be administered during the appointment. This is in accordance with Massachusetts Regulation 330 CMR 10.03 (4).
3. CANCELLATION POLICY: If you need to cancel an appointment, please provide at least 24 hours advance notice. Failure to do so will result in a cancellation fee equal to the examination fee(s) for the scheduled visit(s). If we have already left for that day's housecalls, or if we arrive and the owner (or designated representative) is not available to allow us entry to provide services, the no-show fee will include the travel fee as well as the cancellation fee.
4. Payment is due at the time services are rendered. An estimate can be provided prior to all services, other than the current housecall travel fee and examination fee (as shown on the website here). At this time, cash, checks (from returning clients) and credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover & American Express) are accepted. Please note that Care Credit is NOT accepted.
5. There is a $25 fee for returned checks, and a $15 per month statement and accounting fee charged on the 1st of each month after the visit for all accounts with outstanding balances. In the event of an account being sent to collection, all reasonable collection fees, attorney fees and court costs will be paid by the client.
6. The Village Vet does not have the capabilities to perform x-rays or surgery, and is not available for 24-hour emergency services. A list of emergency/referral clinics is provided below. For non-emergency services, you are welcome to work with any veterinarian with whom you have a prior relationship, or one can be recommended. The veterinarian you see may make recommendations based on their testing, but if your pet is referred for one of these services the results will also be reviewed by The Village Vet and a plan will be discussed for your pet's ongoing health care needs.
New England Veterinary Center and Cancer Center
Phone: (860) 688-8400
Address: 955 Kennedy Road, Windsor, CT 06095
Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospital
Phone: (413) 665-4911
Address: 141 Greenfield Road, South Deerfield, MA 01373
7. For privacy reasons, I do require owner consent before records are sent to any other hospitals (with the exception of an emergency clinic if the patient is present for an immediate issue). You can provide this consent by sending an email to thevillagevetma@gmail.com. Please allow 1 business day for any records to be sent after approval is received.
8. The Village Vet will not tolerate rude, derogatory, belligerent, threatening or otherwise discourteous behavior. We expect all clients and family members to be respectful and courteous at all times. In accordance with MA 256 CMR 7.01(3)(b1) we will refuse to provide services to any client acting in a discourteous manner, and payment for all services performed up to that point will be due in full. At the conclusion of the visit you will be provided with a copy of your pet's medical records to facilitate transfer of care to a new veterinarian.
9. Copies of medical records are available via email at no charge. If a hard copy is required, a $15 record fee may be charged to cover the cost of printing, copying and mailing the records.
10. For new clients wishing to schedule multiple pets during the same initial visit, owners who have had a no-show or cancellation fee charged to their account, or owners who have had multiple cancellations >24 hours prior to their appointments, a non-refundable booking fee will be required. If notice is provided at least 1 week in advance of the scheduled visit the booking fee can be transferred to a new appointment date. For appointments cancelled with less than 1 week notice, the fee will be used for administrative expenses related to rescheduling and rebooking the appointment blocks. This policy has become necessary so we can continue to see patients in a timely manner.
Thank you for trusting The Village Vet for your pet's healthcare needs!